17 responses

  1. Oh how I WISH I could have been there Ruth. It looks great and so satisfying to be doing something so worthwhile. We’ll continue blogging and putting pressure on our politicians. This is so important, I hope Cameron follows through with action after all the talk at PMQs.

  2. Pingback: A Bit of a Chump | dorkymum

  3. Pingback: A hearty hotchpotch – Scottish Roundup

  4. Pingback: Knock Knock.. « cookiejarlife

  5. I wish I could have been there! It looks like a hugely satisfying and successful day. But you’re right – there’s still so much to do. Your post reminds us of the importance of campaigning and difference that it can make. x

  6. Thanks for joining in with the showcase again. This sounds like a great day and a really good cause. A big Well Done to everyone involved!

  7. Pingback: Blog it for Babies | dorkymum

  8. Pingback: One Year On… | dorkymum

  9. Pingback: Goodbye 2012 | dorkymum

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