Giggle Dreams

We’ve got a good little routine going in the mornings, these days. When DorkySon wakes up – usually sometime between 6.30-7am – I go through to get him out of his cot, change his nappy, and bring him through into our bed for some milk and cuddles.

One of my favourite parts of the day is the couple of minutes it takes me to do his nappy change in the near-dark. I’m always pretty bleary-eyed, but most days he’ll sing me a wee song, or tell me what he dreamed about that night, and it’s a lovely start to the day.

It seems that DorkySon’s dreams are full of the things that make him happy during the day. “I dreamt about fire trucks last night,” he’ll say. Or “There were lots of red tractors in my dreams last night.

This morning, it was something new.

Mummy, I didn’t have any normal dreams last night, but I did have lots of giggle dreams.

I gave him a questioning look. “You had what?

Giggle dreams. It’s when you get under the duvet with all your people* and you’re so happy you can’t stop giggling.

Oh, what it is to be nearly-three. What a wonderful life.


(*he means all his cuddly animals. We’re not sure where the phrase has come from, but he refers to them collectively as ‘My people.’)

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