Thanks for a MAD weekend.

It’s Sunday afternoon and I’ve finally mustered the energy to put together a quick post about the MAD Blog Awards which took place in London on Friday night.

It’s just going to be a great big post full of *thank yous* to be honest.

White Stuff Upon a Time dress

Thank you to White Stuff for providing my lovely dress. I really hope no-one took any pictures of me from behind at the awards, because I only realised on Saturday morning that I’d forgotten to snip the big label out of the back. This is just one of many reasons why I am not a fashion blogger.

Thank you to everyone who voted for me to be a finalist in the Best New Blog category. You’re all very lovely, and your support means so much. I am over-the-moon happy for the very deserving winner of the category, the mighty Mammasaurus. I was lucky enough to be sat beside her at dinner and she kept me hugely entertained.

Thank you to everyone who joined me in an enthusiastic rendition of Happy Birthday for Mammasaurus. It may not *actually* have been her birthday… but you should never let that get in the way of a good sing-song.

Arbonne MAD Blog Awards

Thanks to the lovely Arbonne ladies for not being anywhere near as scary as I expected them to be. I was lucky enough to have my makeup done by the very friendly Rose Magnall, so big thanks to her for making my face look pretty.

Thank you also to the hair people from Regis for having a go at taming my mop. I promise I won’t tell anyone that you made me look like a ginger Justin Bieber and I had to go and take a shower before doing it again myself.

(Whoops, did I just say that?)

Thank you to Sally, Jen and all the MADS team for organising such a splendiferous event.

Myleene Klass Save the Children

Thank you to Myleene Klass for taking the time to chat to me about her work with Save the Children. (This picture is one I took of her with Alice from More than Toast) who was also fab company over dinner.

Thank you to Clara (I Want my Mummy), Anya (Older Single Mum), and Sarah (Grenglish) for hanging out with me for a lot of the night. You’re all ruddy marvellous, although next time you should say NO when I suggest a round of Strega shots.

As ever, there were loads of people that I would have loved to have chatted more with, but the evening zipped by so quickly that there wasn’t the chance. Maybe next year, eh?!

I was feeling a bit grotbags on Saturday morning (entirely self-inflicted), but as DorkyDad and DorkySon were coming into London for our big anniversary adventure I had to get up and look presentable. There will be a guest post about that from DorkyDad soon…

21 responses

  1. What a brilliant account, I’m so pleased you had such a good time! How excellent that it’s called the MAD weekend – sounds slightly Enid Blyton somehow (also love the pretty makeup – and the hilarious hair story)…
    and Happy Anniversary to you both! XX

  2. Oh whoops I had to laugh at the haior escapade – Justin Bieber – maybe not!

    Glad you enjoyed and hope you had a fab Saturday with yoru boys.

    Mich x

  3. So lovely to see you and hang out… although I think we did say NO when you ordered the round of Stregas 😉
    Had such a fab time and hopefully see you again soon x

  4. Pingback: One Year On… | dorkymum

  5. Pingback: Happy Anniversary! | dorkymum

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